The IEEE-1394 High Performance Serial Bus is on its way to becoming the standard method of connecting digital audio and video electronic devices to personal computers. IEEE-1394 is the industry-standard implementation of Apple Computer, Inc.'s FireWire digital I/O system. IEEE-1394 provides wide-bandwidth delivery of high-quality video and DAT-grade audio via simple, low-cost cables. There's no question that IEEE-1394 makes a fat pipe out of a thin wire.
Sony's new Digital Video (DV) camcorders are the forerunners of a whole new breed of video and audio systems that bridge the gap between professional and consumer electronic gear. More than 50 manufacturers of broadcast and consumer video equipment have adopted the DV format, which incorporates IEEE-1394 as the standard digital audio/video interface for all DV gear.
Adaptec's FireWire pages bring you up-to-date information on every aspect of IEEE-1394, ranging from consumer applications to professional non-linear, all-digital video editing technology. Click the hyperlinks below to learn more about the technology and the present and future status of the IEEE-1394 standard and developments leading to widespread adoption of FireWire technology.
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